Maurya Koduri Foundation
Chasing the Cure for those affected with a Rare Neurologic disease- de novo Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia SPG4
Alone we can do so little;
Together we can do so much
What is HSP SPG4?
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), is a rare neurological disease that involves weakness and spasticity, which is stiffness of the legs. These symptoms get worse over time. Early in the disease, there may be mild trouble walking and stiffness. These symptoms typically get worse slowly until a cane, walker, or wheelchair is needed. Currently, there are no treatments to prevent, slow, or reverse HSP. SPG4 is the most common subtype of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Typically, a hereditary disease, however when the mutations are“de novo”, meaning they occurred spontaneously and were not passed from either parent, it is called De novo Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Currently, there is no cure for HSP SPG4.
About us
Maurya Koduri Foundation was founded by Vamsi and Yashodha in 2023. Their 11 year old son, Maurya Koduri was diagnosed with de novo SPG4 Hereditary Spastic paraplegia. HSP has no cure. Since 2020, they have raised over $25,000 through various fundraisers and donated to research to find a cure for Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. With HSP SPG4 being so rare, there is very little funding from the government. The costs for the research for human trials can be burgeoning and so they decided to establish a non profit organization to expand their horizons and reach out to a wider world. Maurya Koduri Foundation's (www.mauryakoduri.org) mission is to increase awareness and fund research to find a cure for SPG4 Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.